Operation of Urmia Shenriz bitumen refinery
The operation ceremony of Urmia Shenrez bitumen refinery, equipped with the third generation technologies, was carried out on May 4, 2022. In this video, the stages of construction and equipment of Urmia fine sand bitumen refinery are depicted.
Bitumen products in Urmia Shenriz bitumen refinery
Urmia Shenriz Bitumen Refinery, with its advanced and up-to-date production system, has the ability to produce all kinds of pure bitumen with different categories and different characteristics, therefore, considering the domestic needs of the country as well as the potential of the neighboring countries in the demand for the desired product, this The refinery is currently producing all kinds of pure bitumen with different characteristics.
Compliance with national and international standards is mandatory, and in this regard, different countries, including our dear country Iran, customers use bitumen with penetration, viscosity and performance categories for the road construction industry.
The types of products produced by Urmia Shenriz bitumen refinery are as follows:
Here we talk about the types of road guardrails, their use and other things related to guardrails
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Penetrating bitumen
- Bitumen 50-40
- Bitumen70-60
- Bitumen100-85
As it is clear from the name of bitumen, this type of product is measured based on the penetration rate of the Vicat needle inside the bitumen sample that is poured into a container with a certain size and volume. The standard temperature of the sample is 25 degrees Celsius, and the standard allows other temperatures defined in the standard to be used according to the environmental conditions of the place where bitumen is used.
Viscosity bitumen
- AC-10
- AC-20
Viscosity bitumen shows the efficiency and viscosity of bitumen and the mixing of bitumen with materials in the asphalt plant at different temperatures, rather than being indicative of the temperature conditions of the place where bitumen is used.
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Functional bitumens
- PG 58
- PG 64
- PG 70
The most important and of course the most up-to-date classification of pure bitumen is based on its functional characteristics at different temperatures.
The performance characteristic shows the behavior of pure bitumen under applied loads at different temperatures.
In other words, the desired asphalt must withstand the forces imposed on it during its useful life in any temperature condition.
Functional bitumens are written as PG XX-YY, where the two numbers on the left side show the maximum average temperature of the bitumen for seven consecutive days and the two numbers on the left side with the negative term show the minimum low temperature of the bitumen.